Who We Are?

Saved by Music Foundation is a registered non-government organization found in Mbale City eastern Uganda.  The foundation was started by a “former street boy” with the aim of helping vulnerable children (many of which are street children) and those coming from the poorest families in the community so that they become skilled, productive, and self-sustainable to overcome poverty through skills empowerment for social transformation. Many of the children go on the streets because either one of their parents died of AIDS and other related tropical diseases or because they are abused by their parents due to the high-level irresponsible drinking of alcohol that render these parents being not in control of providing the necessary basic family needs hence children resort to streets in search of a living.

Many children in Uganda are homeless (street children) and impoverished. They need care and education. Some are single orphans, some are total orphans, and others were neglected and dropped by their parents. Some children lost their parents due to an illness like AIDS, Malaria, and other related diseases, and others are dropped and run out of home because of severe child abuse caused by the high level of alcoholism in the country that has made their parents irresponsible. This has caused most of these children to go on the streets in search of what to eat and earn a living having no one to care for them.

Saved by music foundation has resorted to collecting the children and giving them a better living as compared to what they have had before and giving them an education. By helping the absolute poorest of the poor we can make a great impact on society and decrease the poverty burden in Mbale and the country at large.

Our Objectives

  • To reduce the number of street children by 60% by 2027
  • Increase young people’s incomes by 70% by 2027
  • To raise change agents who will promote positive behavior change in the community.

Our Core Values

our mandate

Founders of the organization discovered that providing the affected and vulnerable children and youth with means of survival and keeping them busy can help in reducing the impact of this situation on the community.

Being involved in music programs offers these children the chance to regain their self-esteem, develop discipline and social skills and, through performing, transform themselves in the eyes of their audience. Saved By Music Foundation aims to provide assistance and emotional support to its members.

Therefore our mandate is to rescue, rehabilitate and resettle these children with the help of music.